Zombie Nightmare
“Zombie Nightmare,” directed by Jack Bravman, follows the story of a young man who is tragically killed and brought back to life as a zombie by a voodoo priestess to seek revenge on those responsible for his death. As he embarks on his quest for vengeance, chaos ensues, blending elements of horror and dark humor.
Views: 32
Director: Jack Bravman, John Fasano
Actors: Adam West, Francesca Bonacorsa, Frank Dietz, John Fasano, Jon Mikl Thor, Linda Singer, Manuska Rigaud, Mark Kulik, Tia Carrere, Tony Blauer
Country: Canada
Company: Gold-Gems Ltd.
Budget: $180,000
1h 29minRelease: 1987
Release Date: 1987-10-13
IMDb: 2.7
TMDB: 3.3
Rotten Tomatoes: 14%
FilmAffinity: 3.2