Junior, a young worm on the brink of adolescence, faces challenges in gaining acceptance from his fellow worms, often finding himself teased for being coddled by his overly protective mother. In a bid to win over his friends, he inadvertently ends up on the surface, thanks to a shovel, setting off a series of thrilling adventures with significant consequences—not just for him, but for the entire worm community. To return home and protect his species, Junior must discover the importance of self-respect, trust, and genuine friendship.
Views: 33
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Family
Director: Arthur Nunes, Paolo Conti
Actors: Anderson Silva, Cadu Paschoal, Daniel Boaventura, Fabienne Carat, Guilherme Briggs, Isabella Fiorentino, Juliana Vasconcelos Póvoas, Merwan Rim, Rita Lee, Yago Machado
Country: Brazil, United States of America
Company: Animaking, Fox International Productions (FIP), Glaz Entertainment
Awards: 2 nominations
Budget: $4,500,000
Worldwide Gross: $688,009