“Windstruck,” directed by Jae-young Kwak, is a romantic drama that follows the story of a spirited police officer, Kyung-jin, who unexpectedly crosses paths with a gentle physics teacher, Myung-woo, during a pursuit. Their chance encounter leads to a deep and transformative relationship, blending elements of comedy, romance, and tragedy as they navigate the complexities of love and fate.
Views: 57
Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama, Romance
Director: Jae-young Kwak
Actors: Dae-Hoon Jeong, Im Ye-jin, Jang Hyuk, Jeon Jae-hyeong, Jeong Dae-hoon, Jun Ji-hyun, Jung Ho-bin, Kim Chang-wan, Kim Jung-tae, Kim Soo-ro, Lee Ki-woo
Country: Hong Kong, South Korea
Company: Edko Films, i Film Co. Ltd., Surprises Ltd.
Worldwide Gross: $19,225,992