White Shadow
“White Shadow,” directed by Noaz Deshe, follows the harrowing journey of Alias, a young albino boy in Tanzania, who is forced to flee his village after his father is murdered for his body parts, believed to bring good luck. As Alias navigates the dangerous urban landscape, he struggles to find safety and a sense of belonging amidst the pervasive superstitions and threats that surround him.
Views: 20
Genre: Drama
Director: Noaz Deshe
Actors: Glory Mbaywayu, Hamisi Bazili, James Gayo, James P. Salala, Salum Abdallah, Smith Kimaro
Country: Germany, Italy, Tanzania
Company: Alliance Française Dar es Salaam, Asmara Films, Shadoworks
Awards: 10 wins & 7 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $1,522
1h 57minRelease: 2013
Release Date: 2013-09-02
IMDb: 6.4
TMDB: 5.6
Rotten Tomatoes: 82%
FilmAffinity: 5.7