“Whipped,” directed by Peter M. Cohen, is a comedy that follows three single friends in New York City who regularly meet for brunch to discuss their dating exploits. Their camaraderie is tested when they all unknowingly start dating the same woman, leading to humorous and revealing insights about love and friendship.
Views: 33
Director: Peter M. Cohen
Actors: Amanda Peet, Beth Ostrosky Stern, Beth Stern, Brian Van Holt, Bridget Moynahan, Callie Thorne, Jonathan Abrahams, Judah Domke, Neriah Davis, Taryn Reif, Zorie Barber
Country: United States of America
Company: Hi-Rez Films
Awards: 1 nomination
Budget: $3,000,000
Worldwide Gross: $4,775,009
1h 22minRelease: 2000
Release Date: 2000-09-01
IMDb: 4.4
TMDB: 3.9
Rotten Tomatoes: 13%
Metacritic: 10
FilmAffinity: 4.1