In a fantastical realm where automobiles are the inhabitants, a humble taxi driver aspires to reign supreme in his native Gasket City. However, he quickly learns that remaining authentic is more valuable than seeking fame. Faced with snobbish rivals and gangster trucks, can this modest black and yellow “local nobody” overcome the odds to transform into a “worldwide champion”?
Views: 20
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family
Director: Carl Mendez, Yusry Abd Halim
Actors: Armando Valdez, Barbara Goodson, Brock Powell, Frances Lee, Gavin Yap, Jay Sheldon, Ogie Banks, Raymond Orta, Tamyka White, Thomas Pang
Country: Andorra, Angola, Bhutan, Brunei, Djibouti, Malaysia, Maldives, Martinique, North Korea
Company: Kartun Studios, KRU Studios
Budget: $20,000,000
Worldwide Gross: $1,340,799