Watashi no otoko
“Watashi no otoko,” directed by Kazuyoshi Kumakiri, is a Japanese drama that explores the complex and controversial relationship between a young girl and her guardian after a devastating natural disaster leaves her orphaned. As they navigate their isolated existence in the harsh landscapes of Hokkaido, the film delves into themes of love, dependency, and the blurred lines of morality.
Views: 67
Director: Kazuyoshi Kumakiri
Actors: Aoba Kawai, Aoba Kawai 河井清叶, Fumi Nikaido, Itsuki Sagara, Kengo Kora, Mochika Yamada, Moro Morooka, Morooka Moro, Tadanobu Asano, Taiga Nakano, Takahiro Miura, Tatsuya Fuji
Country: Japan
Company: Dwango, GyaO, Happinet, Happinet(I).
Awards: 5 wins & 3 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $40,764