Votez Bougon
In this 2016 comedy helmed by Jean-François Pouliot, the Bougon family, infamous for their eccentric and often scandalous behavior, sets their sights on the political arena by entering the race for public office. Featuring Rémy Girard and Louison Danis, the film showcases their engaging performances that vividly animate the peculiar characters. Although the movie hasn’t won any significant accolades, it provides a satirical exploration of politics and society, offering a blend of entertainment and reflection. For those curious, it is available to watch for free on Soap2day.
Views: 45
Genre: Comedy
Director: Jean-François Pouliot
Actors: Antoine Bertrand, Claude Laroche, Gaston Lepage, Hélène Bourgeois Leclerc, Laurence Barrette, Louison Danis, Pierre Chagnon, Rémy Girard, Valérie Gagnon Laniel, Vincent Bilodeau
Country: Canada
Company: Remstar Productions
Awards: 1 nomination