“Ventoux,” directed by Nicole van Kilsdonk, follows a group of middle-aged friends who reunite to cycle up Mont Ventoux, a mountain in France, as they confront their shared past and unresolved issues. The journey becomes a poignant exploration of friendship, love, and the passage of time, as they reflect on a tragic event from their youth that continues to impact their lives.
Views: 60
Director: Nicole van Kilsdonk
Actors: Abbey Hoes, Alex Hendrickx, Bram Verrecas, Jip van den Dool, Jonas Smulders, Kasper van Kooten, Leopold Witte, Maruschka Detmers, Wilfried de Jong, Wim Opbrouck
Country: Netherlands
Company: KeyFilm
Awards: 1 win & 1 nomination
Worldwide Gross: $852,540