“Vazante,” directed by Daniela Thomas, is a historical drama set in 1821 Brazil, exploring the complexities of colonial life through the story of a Portuguese cattle herder who returns home to find his wife has died in childbirth. The film delves into themes of slavery, power, and cultural collision as the protagonist navigates his relationships with his new, young bride and the enslaved people on his plantation.
Views: 77
Director: Daniela Thomas
Actors: Adriano Carvalho, Fabrício Boliveira, Isadora Faver, Jai Baptista, Juliana Carneiro da Cunha, Luana Nastas, Maria Helena Dias, Roberto Audio, Sandra Corveloni, Vasco Pimentel
Company: Cisma Produções, Dezenove Som e Imagem, Dezenove Som e Imagens, Ukbar Filmes
Awards: 5 wins & 31 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $25,091
1h 56minRelease: 2017
Release Date: 2017-09-28
IMDb: 6.4
TMDB: 6.9
Rotten Tomatoes: 85%
Metacritic: 68