Valley Girl
“Valley Girl,” directed by Martha Coolidge, is a romantic comedy that explores the unlikely romance between Julie, a popular high school girl from the San Fernando Valley, and Randy, a rebellious punk from Hollywood. As their relationship blossoms, they must navigate the challenges posed by their contrasting social circles and personal identities.
Views: 24
Director: Martha Coolidge
Actors: Cameron Dye, Deborah Foreman, Elizabeth Daily, Heidi Holicker, Lee Purcell, Michael Bowen, Michelle Meyrink, Nicolas Cage, Richard Sanders, Tina Theberge
Country: United States of America
Company: Atlantic Entertainment Group, Valley 9000 Productions
Budget: $350,000
Worldwide Gross: $17,344,144
1h 39minRelease: 1983
Release Date: 1983-04-08
IMDb: 6.4
TMDB: 6.0
Rotten Tomatoes: 84%
Metacritic: 66
FilmAffinity: 5.1