Under the Dog
Set in Neo Tokyo in 2025, this narrative unfolds five years following a devastating terrorist assault during the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Young individuals with extraordinary powers are compelled to join a top-tier anti-terrorism squad established by the United Nations, tasked with combating various dangers, including other individuals with similar abilities. Should these operatives fail in their duties, they and their families face death, as explosives have been implanted in their heads. Among these secret agents is Anthea Kallenberg, a Swedish girl on a quest to discover her true identity.
Views: 46
Genre: Action, Animation, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Thriller
Director: Masahiro Ando, Masahiro Andou
Actors: Asami Seto, Ayaka Suwa, Haruka Takahashi, Hiroshi Tsuchida, Hiroyuki Kinoshita, Koki Uchiyama, Naomi Ohzora, Rumi Okubo, Sayaka Ohara
Country: Japan
Company: Kinema Citrus, Orange Co.