Uncle Nino
“Uncle Nino” is a heartwarming family film that follows the impact of an unexpected visit from an Italian uncle on a busy, disconnected American family. Through his simple, old-world wisdom and charm, Uncle Nino helps the family rediscover the importance of love, togetherness, and appreciating life’s small joys.
Views: 61
Director: Robert Shallcross
Actors: Anne Archer, Dale Rivera, Gia Mantegna, Jessica Szohr, Joe Mantegna, Keegan-Michael Key, Michael Stahl-David, Ned Schmidtke, Pierrino Mascarino, Trevor Morgan
Country: United States of America
Company: Kick the Can Productions, Uncle Nino Productions LLC
Awards: 1 win
Worldwide Gross: $165,000
1h 44minRelease: 2003
Release Date: 2003-12-05
IMDb: 6.5
TMDB: 6.2
Rotten Tomatoes: 21%
Metacritic: 44