In this 2007 movie helmed by Çağan Irmak, an enigmatic wanderer makes his way to an isolated village, enchanting the local children with his stories and sparking the villagers’ imaginations. The plot explores themes of storytelling, faith, and the influence of myths on reality. The film showcases impressive performances by Turkish actors like Çetin Tekindor and Hümeyra. Although it hasn’t won any significant awards, its distinctive narrative and evocative setting render it a film worth watching. You can watch this fascinating film for free on Soap2day.
Views: 46
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery
Director: Çağan Irmak
Actors: Çetin Tekindor, Feride Çetin, Hümeyra, Kaya Akkaya, Mahir İpek, Melis Birkan, Şener Kökkaya, Şerif Sezer, Yetkin Dikinciler, Zuhal Gencer
Country: Turkey
Company: Avsar Film
Awards: 2 wins & 9 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $3,248,267