“Twinsters” is a documentary that follows the incredible true story of Samantha Futerman, an American actress, who discovers via social media that she has an identical twin sister, Anaïs Bordier, living in France. The film explores their emotional journey as they connect and uncover the circumstances of their separation at birth, highlighting themes of identity, family, and the power of technology in bringing people together.
Views: 34
Genre: Biography, Documentary, Family
Director: Ryan Miyamoto, Samantha Futerman
Actors: Anais Bordier, Kanoa Goo, Samantha Futerman
Country: France, South Korea, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: 2005 Films, Ignite Channel, Small Package Films
Awards: 2 wins & 2 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $100,575
1h 29minRelease: 2015
Release Date: 2015-07-17
IMDb: 7.5
TMDB: 7.3
Rotten Tomatoes: 92%
Metacritic: 81
FilmAffinity: 6.6