Twins of Evil
“Twins of Evil,” directed by John Hough, is a horror film set in 19th-century Europe, where a pair of identical twins, Maria and Frieda, find themselves entangled in a sinister world of witchcraft and vampirism. As the twins navigate their new surroundings, they encounter a fanatical witch hunter and a charismatic vampire count, leading to a dramatic clash between good and evil.
Views: 45
Genre: Horror
Director: John Hough
Actors: Damien Thomas, David Warbeck, Dennis Price, Harvey Hall, Isobel Black, Kathleen Byron, Madeleine Collinson, Mary Collinson, Peter Cushing, Shelagh Wilcocks
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Hammer Films, The Rank Organisation
Budget: 205,067
1h 27minRelease: 1971
Release Date: 1971-10-03
IMDb: 6.6
TMDB: 6.7
Metacritic: 62
FilmAffinity: 5.8