“Tron,” directed by Steven Lisberger, follows computer programmer Kevin Flynn as he is transported into a digital world inside a mainframe computer. There, he must navigate a high-tech landscape and confront a malevolent software program to find his way back to the real world.
Views: 33
Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction
Director: Steven Lisberger
Actors: Barnard Hughes, Bruce Boxleitner, Cindy Morgan, Craig Chudy, Dan Shor, David Warner, Jeff Bridges, Peter Jurasik, Tony Stephano, Vince Deadrick Jr.
Country: Japan, Taiwan, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Lisberger/Kushner, Walt Disney Productions
Awards: Nominated for 2 Oscars, 2 wins & 8 nominations total
Budget: $17,000,000
Worldwide Gross: $33,002,371
1h 36minRelease: 1982
Release Date: 1982-07-09
IMDb: 6.7
TMDB: 6.7
Rotten Tomatoes: 73%
Metacritic: 58
FilmAffinity: 6.4