Travis (The Sighting
Set against the stunning backdrop of Glacier National Park in Montana, this chilling psychological thriller follows two high school friends, Travis and Nate, on a road trip to Canada. Their journey takes a dark turn when they are ambushed by enigmatic and ferocious creatures. Nate is dragged into the forest, prompting Travis to do whatever it takes to rescue him. Enlisting the help of Nate’s older brother, Chris, Travis arms himself for a battle against these beasts in a desperate attempt to save his friend.
Views: 29
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Director: Adam Pitman, David Blair
Actors: Adam Pitman, Gill Gayle, Kent Harper, Nathaniel Peterson, Rian Jairell, Sarina Hart
Country: United States of America
Company: BadFritter Films, Film Star Pictures
Awards: 5 wins
Budget: $300,000