Train Driver’s Diary
“Train Driver’s Diary,” directed by Miloš Radović, is a poignant drama that explores the life of a veteran train driver who has inadvertently caused numerous deaths over his career. The film delves into themes of guilt, mentorship, and redemption as he forms a bond with a young orphan aspiring to follow in his footsteps.
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Director: Miloš Radović
Actors: Danica Ristovski, Haris Burina, Jasna Đuričić, Lazar Ristovski, Mirjana Karanović, Mladen Nelević, Nina Janković, Pavle Erić, Petar Korać, Tihomir Stanić
Company: Zillion Film
Awards: 19 wins & 8 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $7,536