Toys in the Attic
“Toys in the Attic,” directed by Jiří Barta, is an imaginative stop-motion animated film set in a magical world within an attic, where forgotten toys and objects come to life. The story follows a group of toys as they embark on a daring adventure to rescue their kidnapped friend, blending whimsical charm with a touch of suspense.
Views: 20
Genre: Animation, Family, Fantasy, Thriller
Director: Jiří Barta, Vivian Schilling
Actors: Andrea Žádníková, Barbora Hrzánová, Boris Hybner, Ivan Trojan, Jiří Lábus, Lucie Pernetová, Miroslav Táborský, Naďa Konvalinková, Petr Nárožný, Vladimír Javorský
Country: Czech Republic, France, Japan, Slovakia
Company: At Armz, Bio Illusion, Ceská Televize
Awards: 2 wins
Worldwide Gross: $141,313
1h 20minRelease: 2009
Release Date: 2009-03-05
IMDb: 6.4
TMDB: 6.6
Rotten Tomatoes: 73%
Metacritic: 64
FilmAffinity: 6.5