Totally True Love
“Totally True Love,” directed by Anne Sewitsky, is a charming coming-of-age story about a 10-year-old girl named Anne who experiences the highs and lows of first love when she becomes infatuated with a new boy in her class. Set against the backdrop of a small Norwegian town, the film explores themes of friendship, jealousy, and the innocence of childhood romance.
Views: 38
Genre: Drama, Family, Mystery, Romance
Director: Anne Sewitsky
Actors: Adrian Holte Kristiansen, Anna Jahr Svalheim, Aurora Bach Rodal, Kristin Langsrud, Maria Annette Tanderød Berglyd, Otto Garli, Peder Holene, Sigurd Sæthereng, Torkil Høeg, Vilde Fredriksen Verlo
Country: Norway
Company: Cinenord, Film Fund FUZZ
Awards: 2 wins & 10 nominations
Budget: 18,000,000
Worldwide Gross: $2,221,278