“Topside,” directed by Celine Held and Logan George, follows a young mother and her daughter living in the hidden tunnels beneath New York City. When they are forced to leave their underground home, they face the harsh realities and challenges of life above ground.
Views: 33
Genre: Drama
Director: Celine Held, Logan George
Actors: Celine Held, Cem Aksoy, Cynthia Tombros, FatLip, Gino Vento, Hector Falcon, Jared Abrahamson, Lorrie Odom, Tonye Patano, Zhalia Farmer
Country: United States of America
Company: ELO films, K Period Media, Level Forward
Awards: 3 wins & 7 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $2,479
1h 25minRelease: 2022
Release Date: 2022-03-25
IMDb: 6
TMDB: 6.9
Rotten Tomatoes: 81%
FilmAffinity: 6.0