Through Black Spruce
“Through Black Spruce,” directed by Don McKellar, follows the story of Annie Bird, a young Cree woman from Moosonee, Ontario, who embarks on a journey to Toronto to search for her missing sister, Suzanne. As Annie navigates the complexities of urban life and her own identity, her uncle Will faces his own challenges back home, leading to a poignant exploration of family, culture, and resilience.
Views: 42
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Mystery
Director: Don McKellar
Actors: Brandon Oakes, Glen Gould, Graham Greene, Joey Klein, Kiowa Gordon, Parveen Kaur, Tanaya Beatty, Tantoo Cardinal, Tina Keeper, Wesley French
Country: Canada
Company: Serendipity Point Films
Awards: 2 wins & 6 nominations