The Woods
“The Woods” tells the story of a band of young Americans who, frustrated by the myriad issues plaguing society, retreat to the remote wilderness of the Pacific Northwest with dreams of establishing a utopian community. Although driven by revolutionary ideals, they arrive ill-equipped for their new existence, laden with consumer gadgets, recreational vehicles, and junk food. When disastrous events in the outside world cut off their access to electricity and wifi, and their leader’s previously motivating speeches lose their impact, the group must learn to coexist peacefully with nature.
Views: 24
Genre: Comedy
Director: Matthew Lessner
Actors: Adam Mortemore, Amanda Furches, Anne-Sophie Dutoit, Brian Woods, Chris Edley, Justin Phillips, Lauren Hamersmith, Nicola Persky, Nicola Victoria Buck, Toby David
Country: United States of America
Company: Greencard Pictures, Monte Lomax Productions, Team G