The Wedding Party
“The Wedding Party,” directed by Kemi Adetiba, is a vibrant Nigerian romantic comedy that follows the chaotic and humorous events surrounding the lavish wedding of Dunni Coker and Dozie Onwuka. As families clash and secrets unfold, the couple must navigate a series of unexpected challenges to make it down the aisle.
Views: 46
Director: Kemi Adetiba
Actors: Adeolu Adefarasin, Adesua Etomi, Alibaba Akporobome, Banky Wellington, Daniella Down, Enyinna Nwigwe, Ireti Doyle, Iretiola Doyle, Richard Mofe-Damijo, Sola Sobowale, Zainab Balogun
Country: Nigeria
Company: EbonyLife Films, FilmOne Distribution, InkBlot Productions
Budget: 60,000,000