The Untamed
“The Untamed,” directed by Amat Escalante, is a provocative blend of science fiction and social drama that explores the complexities of human relationships and desires. The film follows a young couple whose lives are disrupted by the arrival of a mysterious woman and a strange creature, leading them to confront their innermost fears and passions.
Views: 42
Genre: Drama, Horror, Mystery, Science Fiction, Thriller
Director: Amat Escalante
Actors: Andrea Peláez, Bernarda Trucha, Eden Villavicencio, Jesús Meza, Kenny Johnston, Oscar Escalante, Pablo López Pérez, Ruth Ramos, Simone Bucio, Zair Alberto Gutiérrez
Country: Denmark, France, Germany, Mexico, Norway, Switzerland
Company: Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía (IMCINE), Mantarraya Producciones, Tres Tunas
Awards: 7 wins & 20 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $61,249
1h 38minRelease: 2016
Release Date: 2016-05-15
IMDb: 6.1
TMDB: 6.0
Rotten Tomatoes: 86%
Metacritic: 72
FilmAffinity: 6.1