The Trench
“The Trench” portrays the experiences of a group of young British soldiers just before the Battle of the Somme in the summer of 1916, marking a significant defeat in British military history. Set against this doomed scenario, the film captures the soldiers’ lives as a blend of monotony, terror, anxiety, and unease, as they remain trapped in a trench on the front lines.
Views: 50
Director: William Boyd
Actors: Adrian Lukis, Ben Whishaw, Ciarán McMenamin, Cillian Murphy, Daniel Craig, Danny Dyer, James D'Arcy, Julian Rhind-Tutt, Paul Nicholls, Tam Williams
Country: France, United Kingdom
Company: British Screen Productions, Portman Entertainment Group, Skyline Films
Awards: 2 wins & 2 nominations
1h 38minRelease: 1999
Release Date: 1999-09-17
IMDb: 5.9
TMDB: 5.5
Rotten Tomatoes: 41%
Metacritic: 58
FilmAffinity: 5.4