The Terminator
In “The Terminator,” directed by James Cameron, a relentless cyborg assassin is sent from a dystopian future to 1984 Los Angeles to kill Sarah Connor, whose unborn son is destined to lead a human resistance against machines. As Sarah is pursued, she is protected by a soldier from the future, leading to a high-stakes battle for survival.
Views: 167
Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Thriller
Director: James Cameron
Actors: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bess Motta, Dick Miller, Earl Boen, Lance Henriksen, Linda Hamilton, Michael Biehn, Paul Winfield, Rick Rossovich, Shawn Schepps
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Cinema '84, Euro Film Funding, Hemdale
Awards: Top rated movie #218 | 8 wins & 7 nominations
Budget: $6,400,000
Worldwide Gross: $78,371,200
1h 47minRelease: 1984
Release Date: 1984-10-26
IMDb: 8.1
TMDB: 7.7
Rotten Tomatoes: 100%
Metacritic: 84
FilmAffinity: 7.1