The Sleep Curse
Renowned for his mastery of horror, Herman Yau presents a chilling story centered on a young translator whose life is plagued by a curse after he sided with the enemy during Japan’s wartime occupation. Haunted by remorse for abandoning the comfort women who were brutally killed, his past actions cast a long shadow. Decades later, his transgressions resurface to torment his son, a professor focused on sleep disorders, who embarks on a harrowing experiment to rid himself of his father’s lingering spirit.
Views: 66
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Herman Yau
Actors: Anthony Wong, Anthony Wong Chau-Sang, Bryant Mak, Gai Yew Lan, Ikki Funaki, Jayden Sow, Jojo Goh, Lam Ka-tung, Michelle Wai, Pancy Chan, Pancy Chan Pui-Sze, Pearlly Chua
Company: Asia Tropical Films, Emperor Film Production
Awards: 2 nominations