The Silent World
“The Silent World,” directed by Jacques-Yves Cousteau, is a pioneering documentary that explores the underwater realm, capturing the vibrant marine life and the mysteries of the ocean depths. Through innovative underwater cinematography, the film offers a glimpse into the beauty and complexity of the aquatic world, highlighting both its wonders and the impact of human activity.
Views: 32
Genre: Adventure, Documentary
Director: Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Louis Malle
Actors: Jacques-Yves Cousteau
Company: FSJYC Production, Requins Associés, Société Filmad
Awards: Won 1 Oscar, 5 wins & 1 nomination total
1h 26minRelease: 1956
Release Date: 1956-02-15
IMDb: 6.9
TMDB: 6.4
Rotten Tomatoes: 80%
FilmAffinity: 6.8