The Silent Army
Eduard Zuiderwijk, portrayed by Marco Borsato, operates a dining establishment in Africa. Following the unexpected death of his wife, played by Ricky Koole, Eduard finds himself solely responsible for raising his son, Thomas, depicted by Siebe Schoneveld. The situation takes a dire turn when Thomas’s closest friend, Abu, played by Andrew Kintu, is kidnapped by a rebel leader to be indoctrinated as a child soldier. Determined to rescue Abu and restore his son’s admiration, Eduard embarks on a mission to save the boy.
Views: 44
Director: Jean van de Velde
Actors: Jacqueline Blom, Marco Borsato, Peter van den Begin, Ricky Koole, Thekla Reuten
Country: Netherlands
Company: A The Entertainment Group, Honoris Causa Communication
Awards: 2 wins & 3 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $2,920,058