The Siege of Robin Hood
In an era marked by disorder and despotism, the formerly mighty nation of England stands on the verge of widespread rebellion. Following a savage assault on his family orchestrated by the ruthless Sheriff of Nottingham, a young man named Robin pledges to exact bloody vengeance on those accountable, promising to liberate those suffering under the kingdom’s harsh regime. Guided by the enigmatic sorcerer Merlin, Robin, along with his trusted ally Lancelot, assembles a formidable group of banished warriors and adept renegades to unite the villagers for a dramatic and full-scale attack on the royal castle.
Views: 65
Director: Paul Allica
Actors: Dave Beamish, David Macrae, John Fallon, Kahli Williams, Keanu Gonzalez, Nina Iaroslavtseva, Paul Allica, Peter Roordink, Tom McCathie, Wallis Murphy-Munn
Country: Australia
Company: Alpha Rush Productions
Worldwide Gross: $11,073