The Sickness of Lucius Frost
Imagine awakening in a bizarre, crumbling realm that serves as a haven for the damned. In this eerie land, malevolent spirits wander freely, tormenting the few innocent souls who remain hidden in its hills. As night falls, the most terrifying of these creatures are unleashed. This is the grim reality for Lucius Frost, a writer who relies on his craft to survive in this infernal world. A road leading out of the hills passes through a notorious haunted highway, yet those who have dared to travel it have never returned. What fate befell them? On the verge of madness, Lucius is compelled to uncover the truth, guided by his spirit companion, Aandeg. What they unearth will surpass their darkest fears and may unlock more mysteries than they ever intended to reveal.
Views: 15
Genre: Horror
Director: Brian Lupo
Country: United States of America
Company: Lone Wolf Films