The Shop on Main Street
“The Shop on Main Street,” directed by Elmar Klos, is a poignant drama set during World War II in a small Slovak town under Nazi occupation. The film explores the complex relationship between a humble carpenter and an elderly Jewish shop owner as he is appointed “Aryan controller” of her store, highlighting themes of moral conflict and human compassion amidst the backdrop of oppressive political forces.
Views: 41
Director: Elmar Klos, Ján Kadár
Actors: Adam Matejka, Alojz Kramár, Elena Zvaríková-Pappová, František Zvarík, Hana Slivková, Ida Kamińska, Jozef Kroner, Martin Gregor, Martin Hollý, Mikuláš Ladižinský
Country: Czechoslovakia
Company: Filmové studio Barrandov
Awards: Won 1 Oscar, 6 wins & 4 nominations total
2h 8minRelease: 1965
Release Date: 1965-09-09
IMDb: 8.2
TMDB: 7.3
Rotten Tomatoes: 100%
FilmAffinity: 7.8