The Rocket
“The Rocket” is a narrative set in a small town, drawing inspiration from real-life incidents. It follows a high school football star whose life is upended by a serious head injury, derailing his future plans. The strain of a fractured relationship with his father and the loss of his “football star” identity compel him to find a new path to prove his worth. Barred from participating in sports, he unexpectedly joins the high school cross country team at the coach’s urging, despite not being a natural runner. Through perseverance, self-doubt, and determination, he discovers a new avenue to strive for excellence. Featuring vibrant characters, youthful perspectives, and a nostalgic narrative style, “The Rocket” weaves together themes of family, loss, failure, and redemption. The story is rooted in actual people and events from the Midwest in 1999.
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Director: Richard Blake
Actors: Allison Belmont, Brady Tutton, Grayson Alexander Miller, Leah Schiman, Michael Mayfield, Nickolaus Schnetzky, Patrick Webb, Richard Blake, Terry King
Country: United States of America
Company: Amberock Productions, Rayni Day Productions
Budget: $26,000