The Robber
“The Robber,” directed by Benjamin Heisenberg, follows the story of Johann Rettenberger, a marathon runner who leads a double life as a notorious bank robber. The film explores his intense compulsion for both running and crime, delving into the psychological and physical demands of his dual existence.
Views: 29
Genre: Biography, Crime, Drama, Thriller
Director: Benjamin Heisenberg
Actors: Andreas Lust, Florian Wotruba, Franziska Weisz, Johann Bednar, Markus Schleinzer, Max Edelbacher, Michael Welz, Peter Vilnai
Company: Film Institut, FilmFernsehFonds Bayern, Filmfonds Wien
Awards: 6 wins & 12 nominations
Budget: 1,000,000
Worldwide Gross: $254,489
1h 41minRelease: 2010
Release Date: 2010-02-26
IMDb: 6.7
TMDB: 6.6
Metacritic: 65
FilmAffinity: 6.2