The Rest of Us
“The Rest of Us,” directed by Aisling Chin-Yee, is a poignant drama that explores the complex dynamics between a woman, her daughter, and her ex-husband’s new family after an unexpected tragedy forces them to coexist. As they navigate their intertwined lives, the film delves into themes of grief, forgiveness, and the redefinition of family bonds.
Views: 44
Genre: Drama
Director: Aisling Chin-Yee
Actors: Abigail Pniowsky, Charlie Gillespie, Greg Calderone, Gregory Ambrose Calderone, Heather Graham, Inga Cadranel, Jodi Balfour, John Clifford Talbot, Kelly Boegel, Sophie Nélisse, Tameka Griffiths
Country: Canada
Company: Babe Nation Films, Woods Entertainment
Awards: 3 nominations
Budget: $1,600,000
1h 20minRelease: 2020
Release Date: 2020-02-14
IMDb: 6.3
TMDB: 6.0
Rotten Tomatoes: 91%
Metacritic: 74
FilmAffinity: 5.6