The Phenom
“The Phenom,” directed by Noah Buschel, follows the story of a young and talented baseball pitcher named Hopper Gibson, who struggles with the pressures of professional sports and personal expectations. As his performance declines, he seeks guidance from an unconventional sports psychologist to confront his past and find a path forward.
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Director: Noah Buschel
Actors: Alison Elliott, Elizabeth Marvel, Ethan Hawke, Johnny Simmons, Louisa Krause, Marin Ireland, Paul Adelstein, Paul Giamatti, Sophie Kennedy Clark, Yul Vazquez
Country: United States of America
Company: Elephant Eye Films
1h 28minRelease: 2016
Release Date: 2016-06-24
IMDb: 5.2
TMDB: 5.5
Rotten Tomatoes: 79%
Metacritic: 66
FilmAffinity: 4.8