The Phantom Warrior
The tale of Nemesis Knight, a masked vigilante, unfolds as a fresh kind of superhero emerges to meet the demands of a transforming world. From a wild orphaned child to a lethal champion of justice, she strives to maintain the balance between good and evil. Donning the Mask of Dionysus, a gift from Hades, the God of the Underworld, she rides her black horse, Zeus. Equipped with a reliable rifle and a sidearm at her side, she fiercely dispatches wrongdoers to the afterlife.
Views: 62
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction
Director: Savvas D. Michael
Actors: Adam Deacon, Charlie Rawes, Christopher Sciueref, Dean Cain, Jan Anderson, Jenny Miller, Mark Rhino Smith, Nicole Bartlett, Steven Berkoff, Vas Blackwood
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Saints and Savages