The Mourning Forest
“The Mourning Forest,” directed by Naomi Kawase, follows the poignant journey of a caregiver and her elderly charge as they venture into a dense forest, each grappling with their own grief and loss. As they navigate the natural landscape, the film explores themes of healing, memory, and the profound connection between humans and nature.
Views: 45
Genre: Drama
Director: Naomi Kawase
Actors: Kanako Masuda, Machiko Ono, Makiko Watanabe, Shigeki Uda, Yoichiro Saito, Yūsei Yamamoto
Company: Celluloid Dreams, Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée (CNC), Kumie
Awards: 3 wins & 3 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $555,614