The Mongolian Connection
While working incognito on a mission to dismantle a human trafficking ring, unconventional FBI agent Wade Dalton (played by Kaiwi Lyman) apprehends Serick Ibrayev (portrayed by Sanjar Madi), an enigmatic figure from the Mongolian criminal underworld. As the clock ticks down, Wade is tasked with transporting Serick back to Mongolia. There, he must join forces with the tough and seasoned police detective Ganzorig (Amra Baljinnyam) to ensure Serick makes it to court to testify against a powerful crime syndicate determined to thwart their efforts at any cost.
Views: 40
Genre: Action
Director: Drew Thomas
Actors: Amarsaikhan Baljinnyam, Kaiwi Lyman, Kate Amundsen, Sanjar Madi, Sannjar Madi, Tsetsegee Byamba, Zhandos Aibassov
Country: Kazakhstan, Mongolia
Company: Hollywood Film Academy, IFI Production, Nomadia Pictures