The Men Who Fell
In a dystopian future, two prisoners are confined in a space-based detention center orbiting a devastated Earth. They are recruited by the massive corporation Hunsinger for a perilous recovery mission on the planet’s surface. Upon landing, they navigate through an enormous subterranean industrial facility, guided by a map to locate and recover a mysterious object. As inmates, they receive minimal information and are promised reduced sentences as compensation. However, they soon find themselves facing unforeseen dangers as the situation takes a sinister turn.
Views: 38
Genre: Horror, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction
Director: William L. Stewart
Actors: Aaron Stielstra, Ben Naasz, Brendan Guy Murphy, Dennis Farris, Ike Stielstra, Kimberly Parmon, Santiago Craig, Sarah Kelly Stewart, Spencer Dooley
Country: United States of America
Company: Privateer Films, Rocketsled Entertainment