The Legend of Baron Toa
“The Legend of Baron To’a” follows the journey of Fritz, a Tongan businessman who comes back to his former community, only to accidentally trigger the theft of his deceased father’s cherished pro wrestling championship belt by a group of merciless thugs headed by the formidable Tahu. When attempts at peaceful resolution fall short, Fritz must tap into his father’s heritage to retrieve the stolen belt.
Views: 53
Director: Kiel McNaughton
Actors: Ashlee Fidow, Edmund Eramiha, Jay Laga'aia, John Tui, Leroy Lakamu, Nathaniel Lees, Shavaughn Ruakere, Tori Marsh, Uli Latukefu
Country: New Zealand
Company: Brown Sugar Apple Grunt Productions
Worldwide Gross: $113,880