The King of Fighters
In “The King of Fighters,” directed by Gordon Chan, a secret tournament is held in an alternate dimension where fighters with extraordinary abilities battle for supremacy. As a malevolent force threatens to merge the dimensions and unleash chaos, a group of skilled warriors must unite to stop the impending disaster and protect their world.
Views: 75
Genre: Action, Action & Adventure, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Thriller
Director: Gordon Chan
Actors: Allison Tolman, Bernice Liu, Candus Churchill, David Leitch, Doug Abrahams, Françoise Yip, Hiro Kanagawa, Maggie Q, Monique Ganderton, Ray Park, Robin Nielsen, Sam Hargrave, Scott Patey, Sean Faris, Toshi Haraguchi, Will Yun Lee
Country: Canada, Germany, Japan, Taiwan, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Double Edge Entertainment, Inferno International, Micott & Basara K.K.
Worldwide Gross: $502,153
1h 33minRelease: 2010
Release Date: 2010-08-26
IMDb: 3.1
TMDB: 4.9
Rotten Tomatoes: 11%
FilmAffinity: 2.2