The Infiltrators
“The Infiltrators,” directed by Alex Rivera, is a docudrama that follows a group of young undocumented immigrants who deliberately get detained by ICE to infiltrate a for-profit detention center. Their mission is to help free fellow detainees, blending real-life footage with scripted reenactments to highlight the courage and resilience of those fighting against the U.S. immigration system.
Views: 48
Genre: Documentary, Drama
Director: Alex Rivera, Cristina Ibarra
Actors: Chelsea Rendon, Fernando Martínez, Garland Scott, Juan Gabriel Pareja, Lilian Tapia, Manuel Uriza, Maynor Alvarado, Orlando Pineda, Oscar Perez, Vik Sahay
Country: United States of America
Company: 3DMC, Baked Studios, Buffalo 8 Productions, Chicago Media Project
Awards: 5 wins & 2 nominations
1h 35minRelease: 2019
Release Date: 2019-01-24
IMDb: 6.3
TMDB: 8.0
Rotten Tomatoes: 88%
Metacritic: 74