The Heiress
“The Heiress,” directed by William Wyler, is a drama set in 19th-century New York, where a shy and wealthy young woman named Catherine Sloper falls in love with a charming but penniless suitor, Morris Townsend. As her stern father, Dr. Austin Sloper, suspects Morris of being a fortune hunter, Catherine is caught in a struggle between her desire for love and her father’s disapproval, leading to a profound personal transformation.
Views: 61
Genre: Drama, History, Romance
Director: William Wyler
Actors: Betty Linley, Miriam Hopkins, Mona Freeman, Montgomery Clift, Olivia de Havilland, Paul Lees, Ralph Richardson, Ray Collins, Selena Royle, Vanessa Brown
Country: United States of America
Company: Paramount Pictures
Awards: Won 4 Oscars, 9 wins & 8 nominations total
Budget: $2,600,000
Worldwide Gross: $158
1h 55minRelease: 1949
Release Date: 1949-10-06
IMDb: 8.1
TMDB: 7.7
Rotten Tomatoes: 100%
FilmAffinity: 8.1