The Gaelic King
Set in the war-torn Scottish Highlands, “The Gaelic King” follows the journey of a young warrior named Alpin, who is thrust into a battle against dark supernatural forces after his family is brutally attacked. As he seeks vengeance and justice, Alpin must embrace his destiny and harness ancient powers to save his people from an impending evil.
Views: 41
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, History
Director: Philip Todd
Actors: Alan Cuthbert, Ellie Reid, Eve Wengel, Fiona Stewart, Jake McGarry, Kerry Browne, Laurence Whitley, Noah Irvine, Peter Cosgrove, Shona Melrose
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Fellowship Film, Truffle Pictures
1h 27minRelease: 2017
Release Date: 2017-09-14
IMDb: 3.8
TMDB: 4.9
Rotten Tomatoes: 22%
FilmAffinity: 3.0