The Fox
“The Fox” follows the journey of Simon Fox, a Europol agent based in The Hague, portrayed by Morgan C Jones. Simon is haunted by a tragic incident in which he accidentally killed a child, leaving him grappling with deep-seated trauma. His life takes a dramatic turn when he encounters ‘Gladio,’ a clandestine resistance group formed after World War II. This organization is being manipulated by ambitious politicians seeking power, threatening to transform The Netherlands into a police state. Upon discovering that his father originally founded ‘Gladio’ with noble intentions, Simon becomes resolute in his mission to prevent this descent into authoritarianism.
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Director: Klaas van Eijkeren
Actors: Anita Donk, Eric Corton, Gabriel van Eekelen, Harold Brusse, Joshua Rubin, Maarten Dannenberg, Morgan C. Jones
Country: Netherlands
Company: Expressie Produkties, Pink Moon