The Forbidden Dimensions
Jack Slade entered the world during a solar eclipse in 1980. At the age of 18, he discovers his unique ability to journey into the future. He propels himself to the year 2035, where he finds a society ravaged by a tyrannical group of deranged doctors who dominate the desolate lands. These doctors create grotesque mutants using a serum derived from the remains of deceased extraterrestrials. Slade must return to 1998 to dismantle a device called the wavelength generator, which opened portals to these alien entities. With the assistance of a band of female renegades and a dubious detective, Slade reconnects with the star child Khadijah, who possesses the secret to preventing these catastrophic events from occurring.
Views: 28
Genre: Horror, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Thriller
Director: Christopher James Miller
Actors: Al Gomez, Al Ridenour, Amy Daly, Brittany O'Neil, Carl Crew, Christopher James Miller, Erin Blaisdell, Kalise Wallace, Kyle Morris, Steven Briggs
Country: United States of America
Company: Razorwire Pictures
Budget: $35,000