The Fight
Tina resides in a tranquil coastal town, yet her life is far from peaceful. Her mother is contemplating leaving her father, her daughter faces bullying, and she and her husband Mick are struggling to balance their demanding jobs with raising three children. Eager to overcome the chaos and conquer her personal struggles, Tina takes a bold step by donning boxing gloves and entering the ring. She uses boxing as a way to release her stress and boost her confidence. However, the question remains: can she rally her family and lead them to triumph?
Views: 42
Director: Jessica Hynes
Actors: Anita Dobson, Cathy Tyson, Christopher Fairbank, Jessica Hynes, Liv Hill, Rhona Mitra, Robert James-Collier, Sally Phillips, Sennia Nanua, Shaun Parkes
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Dignity Film Finance, Hallworthy Films, Unstoppable Entertainment
Awards: 2 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $27,440